Profiting from the Culture, Retention of our IP

Profiting from the Culture, Retention of our IP The Role of Cultural Programs in Driving Economic Development Moderator: Bernie Lawrence Panelist: Lexi Robinson, Jose Camilo Cordoba and Kayleigh Bryant-Greenwell

Customer-Driven Innovation

Customer-Driven Innovation Moderator: Aaron Ricardo Cervantes Panelists: Carmen Raquel Rocha Guitierrez and Laura Denisse Miranda

Innovation, Multi-Generational Leadership & Belonging

Innovation, Multi-Generational Leadership & Belonging Moderator: Michael Akin Panelist: Angie Gates (Events DC), Rashad Young (Howard), Gary Officer, Maria Velasquez (Casa Innovation), Dr. Collette Pierce Burnette (Frmr Univ Leader), Tamika Young (Kidpreneurs)